Select a show’s name below for more information.
World / Ethnic | Rock / Pop | Indie | Hip-Hop / R&B | Folk / Country / Oldies | Triple A |
Talk | Metal / Hardcore / Punk | Elec. / Ambient / Exp. | Dance / Reggae | Jazz / Blues | Freeform / Other |
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | |
Midnight | '80s and '90s Chill
Adult Album Alternative and Community News
Rock Highlights
Hard Rock, Classic Metal, Doom
↖ 1 am | Adult Album Alternative and Community News
↖ 2 am | Fresh Mix of Independent Music
↖ 6 am | Literature, Science, Politics, History, Business
Adult Album Alternative and Community News
Adult Album Alternative and Community News
College and Pro Basketball
↖ 6:30 am | Education, Colleges, and Research
↖ 7 am | Asian
News and Sports
↖ 7:30 am | Poetry
↖ 8 am | Lithuanian
'50s through '70s with themes
↖ 9 am | Surf and Guitar Instro
↖ 10 am | Italian
↖ 11 am | '40s, '50s, and '60s Hits
↖ Noon | Polish
↖ 12:30 pm | Jewish Music and News
↖ 1 pm | Adult Album Alternative and Community News
1970s Records
↖ 2 pm | Hungarian Music, News, Language, and Culture
1950s through 1970s variety
↖ 3 pm | 1950s through 1980s
↖ 5 pm | Armenian Music, News, Language, and Culture
'60s Lost, Forgotten, and Classics
↖ 6 pm | '60s/'70s Rock, Blues
Classic Country
↖ 6:30 pm | Import / Independent Heavy Metal
↖ 7 pm | Spanish and Latin American
Songs about Concepts/Themes/Topics
Korean Music and Asian Fusion
↖ 8 pm | Local Music
Female Vocalists
'80s Hits
↖ 9 pm | Irish
Roots & Branches
↖ 9:30 pm | Freeform
↖ 10 pm | Soul, Jazz, Afro & Latin Beats
Hip-hop / Rap
Music for the Road
Dark/Alternative Rock
↖ 11 pm | Folk and Bluegrass
↖ 11:30 pm | Hard Rock, Classic Metal, Doom
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
World / Ethnic | Rock / Pop | Indie | Hip-Hop / R&B | Folk / Country / Oldies | Triple A |
Talk | Metal / Hardcore / Punk | Elec. / Ambient / Exp. | Dance / Reggae | Jazz / Blues | Freeform / Other |
Schedule history
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