The Outspoken Cyclist – 2/11/2017

Not one, not two, not even three; but, FOUR great guests this week. Roger Bird remembers Chris Kegel; Senator Sherrod Brown tells us about what’s happening in Washington and what we can do to get the things we believe in; Don Walker takes us to NAHBS 13 coming up in March; and, Adventure Cycling founder Greg Siple reminisces about the founding of the organization on the eve of his retirement!

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The Outspoken Cyclist – February 4, 2017

It’s a three-fer today… Slate Olson is a marketing whiz and we get to learn about his work and his ideas from his time at Nike, Rapha, and Specialized as he comes full circle back to Portland, taking on the CEO position with Chrome Industries. Then, we excerpt my interview with Amanda Batty that was part of a larger conversation on the Paceline Podcast this week. Finally we review The Haywire Heart with author and Velo News managing editor Chris Case.

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The Outspoken Cyclist – 1/21/2017

Diane speaks with engineer Damon Rinard whose history begins with Kestrel and moves through many of our top brands in the cycling world helping to develop what is fast, aerodynamic and light. Then, off to the U.K. to speak with author and humorist Tim Moore about his new book, The Cyclist Who Went Out in the Cold… and travel 9,000km on a 20″ wheel German folding bike.

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The Outspoken Cyclist – 1/14/2017

Axel Merck tells us about his winning UCI team Axeon Hagens Berman. With multiple wins, podiums, national titles, and World Tour riders, Axel shares his philosophy about riding, racing, and training. Then, 6-time world pack burro racing champion and the father of a “neuro-diverse” son talks about his life as the father of a’ “autistic” son who surprises his father every day!

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The Outspoken Cyclist – 1/7/2017

Enigma Bicycles managing director Jim Walker talks with Diane about the British company. Young philanthropist and soon-to-be cross-country rider Jan Gierlach tells Diane how he’s raised $600,000 for charity and what he’s about to do next.

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The Outspoken Cyclist – 12/10/2016

Veteran frame builder Roland Della Santa shares his philosophy about hand made frames, production bikes, Greg LeMond, music, food, and more. Senior Tech Editor of Bicycling Magazine Gloria Liu gives us some great gift ideas for the fast approaching holidays.

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