The Outspoken Cyclist – 7/18/2015

Cyclist, swimmer, actor, rock climber, and more Connor Long has Down Syndrome. Obviously, it doesn’t stop him from ANYTHING! We talk with him today on his 21st birthday as he rides to raise funds for research. Then off to Durham NC to learn about the East Coast Greenway from Executive Director Dennis Markatos-Soriano.

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The Outspoken Cyclist – 7/4/2015

BMC’s Tour de France Sport Director Jackson Stewart talks about his team and the race prior to Stage One. President of Rails to Trails Keith Laughlin talks about the federal transportation bill, the country’s first rail-trail, and how technology is impacting the Rails to Trails organization.

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The Outspoken Cyclist – 6/20/2015

Dr. Jamin Brahmbhatt tells us about and how their 60+ city tour in a Tesla is bringing the message to pay attention to your health to thousands of men, who can name their first car but can’t tell you the last time they went to a physician. Then, we talk with John Eustice from Spara Cycling and the Thompson Bucks County Bicycle Classic.

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The Outspoken Cyclist – 6/13/2015

It’s our 250th Show! And, I have two outstanding encore interviews for you. Michael Aisner is best known for his work with the Red Zinger and Coors Classic series; but, that would barely scratch the surface of his work. Gary Helfrich is considered the “father of titanium” and the genius behind the famous Arctos Frame jigs. But, how about his 10 years as a roadie?

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The Outspoken Cyclist – 5/30/2015

Two “feel good” interviews are up this evening. First, Sam Fox who is the outreach and engagement officer for the Michael J. Fox Foundation, raising millions of dollars for Parkinson’s Disease research. Then, we speak with Jamie Bianchini about his 80 country, 8 year journey traveling with his best friend and two tandems as they bring a message of “getting stuff done” to all they meet.

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The Outspoken Cyclist – 5/16/2015

Pro downhill racer and journalist Amanda Batty joins me in an emotional interview about the controversy between her and the on line site Pink Bike; Ex pro racer, silver medalist, and evidently one of the most popular guys in the day Les Barzcewski spins his stories of riding and racing in the 1980’s.

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