Outspoken Cyclist – 1/4/2020

Secret lobbying by the bike industry leads to lawsuit over National Park Service’s eBike rules. DK women’s camp director Kristi Mohn talks about Dirty Kanza camp. Diane’s husband Brian sits down for a chat about… bicycles, what else?

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Outspoken Cyclist – 11/23/2019

Strong Towns’ Chuck Marohn discusses his new book, “A Bottom Up Revolution to Rebuild American Prosperity”. Biology professor and evolutionary theorist Bret Weinstein and Diane talk about the controversial issue of transgender athletes in elite competition.

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Outspoken Cyclist – 11/2/2019

Fit Chick Selene Yeager talks about her new book Gravel. Sam Wood from Bike Odyssey introduces new tours for 2020. Leslie Richard, Secy of Transportation for the State of Pennsylvania fills us in on what her state is proposing for bicycle and pedestrian safety.

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