
General Contact Information

Station Office Phone Number: 216-397-4437

Studio Request Line: 216-397-4438

Twitter: @WJCU887

Facebook: WJCU 88.7 FM

General Email: moc.l1742900493iamg@1742900493ofniu1742900493cjw1742900493

The Heights Music Director Email: moc.l1742900493iamg@1742900493cisum1742900493ucjw1742900493

Genre Show Music Director Email: moc.l1742900493iamg@1742900493dm.uc1742900493jw1742900493

Promotions Email: moc.l1742900493iamg@1742900493snoit1742900493omorp1742900493ucjw1742900493

Mailing Address:  1 John Carroll Blvd., University Heights, OH  44118

Looking to get to our University Heights studios?

Here is a PDF file with directions to campus and what to do when you arrive: wjcu-directions.pdf.

Who should I contact?

Music Promotion – Triple A

To submit your music for consideration for airplay on The Heights, our Triple-A formatted program that airs for much of the day on WJCU, please email your music to Laurie Jenkins, Heights Music Director, at moc.l1742900493iamg@1742900493cisum1742900493ucjw1742900493. Sending physical copies of music will cause a delay in your music being considered.

Music Promotion – All Other Genres

If you are trying to promote music or you are from a band and you would like to have our music staff review your music, call our WJCU genre music director at 1-216-397-4937 or send your music to:

ATTN: Music Director
1 John Carroll Blvd.
University Heights, OH 44118
United States

Public Service/Community Announcements

If you would like WJCU to air free 30 second announcements (PSA) for your 501 C qualifying non-profit organization, church, school, community group, etc., please email your information to the attention of Jasen Sokol here.

Remember that you need to submit information at least 10 days before we can begin running the announcement, and that announcements are limited to 30 seconds in length. In order to insure that your message contains all essential information and airs promptly, we suggest you submit the information as a 30 second script, and be sure to include a web site or phone number where people can go for more information. WJCU reserves full and complete editorial control of its community event PSA’s.

Some FAQ’s regarding Community Announcements on WJCU can be found below:

Q: Can I buy radio ad time on WJCU for my business?

A: No, as a Non Commercial/Educational licensed FM broadcaster, WJCU is prohibited from selling or carrying commercial advertising. That means we cannot engage in calls to action, claims of value, or provide sales price information – even if we don’t charge a fee.

Q: Can WJCU help promote my non-profit group’s event?

A: The short answer is YES, but only if the event is of interest to, and is open to, the general public and meets certain other criteria. Because WJCU is a full service licensed FM broadcast facility with coverage throughout the Cleveland metro market, we reach tens of thousands of unique individuals in any single month, the vast majority of which have no direct affiliation with the university.

WJCU regularly provides these public service event promotional announcements for bona-fide non-profit and governmental organizations only. We also exclude events that cross-promote for-profit entities.

Because WJCU is privately owned and operated by a faith-based institution, we reserve the right to accept and carry only those events that do not conflict with our institutional mission. Likewise, since we are a non-profit, we cannot engage in the promotion of partisan political events.

Typically, these announcements are prerecorded, approximately 30 second long, informational in nature, and are rotated regularly across most programming in all day-parts. Examples of typical community events include guest lectures, films, musical performances, plays, workshops, tournaments, open houses, educational activities, etc., that are open to the general public

Q: So who listens to WJCU? Isn’t it mostly JCU students or other college kids?

 A: No. In fact, most college students today spend little time with radio, and constitute a rather small part of the WJCU audience, which is very diverse, but predominantly comprised of adults in their 20’s, 30’s 40’s and 50’s, most of whom are not affiliated with JCU.

Q: So what do I have to do to schedule a Community Event PSA on WJCU?

A: Simply email Jasen Sokol (ude.u1742900493cj@lo1742900493kosj1742900493) with your request, and provide the vital who, what, where, why, and when information concerning your event.

Because announcements are limited to 30 seconds in length, your message will contain little more than the essentials, so it’s always wise to include an easy-to-remember web site or phone number where people can go for more detailed information.  We will edit your copy to fit our format, and then produce and run the announcement.  Typically, we drop or add these announcements weekly, usually on Friday.

We do require about a 3 week lead time in order to assure effective reach for these announcements, so be sure to work well ahead of your event date.

Q: So there’s no cost to the organization?

A: That’s right – there’s never a charge for our PSA’s – though we do welcome support from our listeners and community partners via our donor program!

Q: Can you tell me when my announcements will run?

A: Not really. Our community event PSA’s run at least once every 2 hours, but an individual PSA’s frequency and actual play times will depend on how many different announcements we have in rotation at the time.  If there’s a heavy load (6 -10), it means each individual announcement will get fewer plays. That’s why it’s important to get these announcement requests in at least 3 weeks before an event. A longer run insures greater frequency and reach for your message.


Suggestions? Feedback? Problems? Link exchange? Contact the webmaster.

DJs, Show Hosts, Producers, or Individual Playlists

If you ‘d like to contact or view the playlists of a particular DJ, Show Host, or Show Producer, you can try to reach someone by simply calling the studio line (216-397-4438) during their show. You can also find contact info and online playlists by clicking directly on the show name in our schedule grid.

The Heights

See The Heights contact page.

Other Directors

To contact the other directors or the station’s professional staff, please call the office at 216-397-4437 or email the director you are looking for at moc.l1742900493iamg@1742900493ofni.1742900493ucjw1742900493.