The Outspoken Cyclist – 9/17/10216

KMC Crossfest and the 5th annual New ENgland Builder’s Ball take center stage on the show tonight. We also talk with United Cycle’s Kelly Hodgson about the Fort McMurray fires that forced 80,000 people from their homes last year and how United Cycle and Sport Central stepped up to help.

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The Outspoken Cyclist – 8/27/2016

Mountain2Mountain’s Shannon Galpin gives us some great insight into what is happening with women’s rights in the world of sports; Bryon Rushing from the Atlanta Regional Commission tells us how Atlanta is stepping up for cyclists and pedestrians. Greg Priddy offers us a somber and hopeful look at his bout with colon cancer.

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The Outspoken Cyclist – 08/06/2016

FINALLY! I am so pleased to have been able to talk with NYC’s Janette Sadik-Khan about her work as Transportation Commissioner under Mayor Bloomberg. Then, out to CA to talk with the first female soigneur for the U.S. Riders going back to 7-Eleven and the 1984 Olympics, Shelly Verses.

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The Outspoken Cyclist – 7/23/2016

Jeff Mapes, who is the senior political reporter for Oregon Public Radio, was in town for the RNC and I had an opportunity to sit down with him to catch up about cycling – which is his “other” work. He is the author of the 2009 book “Pedalig Revolution” and we get to talk all-things-bike. Then, in a tribute to bike shop owner, father, husband, and all around amazing guy Jeff Archer, who was hit and killed by a drunk driver while crossing the street this week, we will be airing my conversation with him from December, 2012.

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The Outspoken Cyclist – July 9 2016

Three interesting interviews this week! First up, Ben Freid from StreetsblogUSA talks about the deliberate murder of Matt van Ohlen in NYC. CEO and President of Peolotonia Doug Ulman tells us about this year’s event. Travel writer Jayme Moye talks about her experiences in Afghanistan and how a travel writer’s life works.

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