WJCU, in conjunction with our friends at WRUW, WCSB, and WBWC, present a screening of 35,000 Watts: The Story of College Radio on Tuesday, April 2 at 7:30 PM at The Grog Shop.
35000 Watts is the untold story of college radio brought to life by the students behind the mic and the bands they made famous. It’s the story of the youth and music culture that originated, and later flourished, on the airwaves of American colleges and universities, establishing a new generational voice and a new path to success for countless alumni and artists, like R.E.M., U2, the B-52s, David Letterman, Billy Crystal, and Bob Odenkirk.
The film will highlight an era where college radio’s influence was at its peak—featuring interviews with iconic big-name acts and smaller regional bands who may have only lived their rock-and-roll dream for a short while, as well as discussions with former college radio alumni about their role in college radio and why college radio is still relevant in today’s media-saturated landscape.
The feature documentary is a celebration of the independent spirit that created so many culture-defining stations and kept them on the air for generations. 35000 Watts: The Story of College Radio delves into the ongoing impact and legacy of those who were at the epicenter of this radio revolution.
Following a screening of the documentary, we will host a panel discussion about Cleveland’s own college radio past, present, and future, featuring Rachel Hunt (WRUW-FM) as moderator. Panelists include current members of WRUW, WCSB, WJCU, and WBWC to be announced.
Tickets are $10 and can be purchased by clicking here. Use access code “WJCU” and a portion of the proceeds from your ticket will be donated to WJCU!