For our entire staff at WJCU, THANK YOU for Coming Together to support WJCU during Radiothon 2021!
As this year’s theme eluded to, during the unprecedented times we’re living in, it’s how we unite around the things we love that will get us through this. We’re so grateful that so many of YOU chose to unite around college radio and support us again as you’ve done over the last 50-plus years.
Please remember, if you made a check donation, please get it in the mail no later than Friday, March 5 to ensure that you receive any premiums you may have requested in a timely fashion.
Checks should be made payable to WJCU and mailed to
1 John Carroll Blvd.
University Heights, OH 44118.
You should expect any premiums to arrive sometime after our scheduled mailing day of Sunday, March 27th.
If you have any questions concerning your Radiothon donation, give us a call at 216-397-4437 or e-mail our general manager at ude.u1743227617cj@lo1743227617kosj1743227617.
Once again, thank you for you support during this year’s Radiothon! We certainly look forward to many more years together.